Expected Values-Variance,Co Variance and Correlation

The Expected Value of a Random Variable The concept of the expected value of a random variable parallels the notion of a weighted average. The possible values of the random variable are weighted by their probabilities, as specified in the following definition. $E(X)$ is also referred to as the mean of $X$ and is often denoted by $μ$ or $μX$ . It might be helpful to think of the expected value of $X$ as the center of mass of the frequency function. Imagine placing the masses $p(x_i )$ at the points $x_i$ on a beam; the balance point of the beam is the expected value of $X$. The definition of expectation for a continuous random variable is a fairly obvious extension of the discrete case—summation is replaced by integration. Expectations of Functions of Random Variables We often need to find E[g(X)], where X is a random variable and g is a fixed function Now suppose that $Y = g(X1, . . . , Xn)$, where $Xi$ have a joint distribution, and that we want to find $E(Y )$. We do not have to...